CV de J-F Legrain  1ère Édition (30 juin 2019)

Sources et documents de l’histoire du rap à Gaza

مصادر ووثائق تاريخ الراب في غزة

Jean-François Legrain

Palestinian Unit

Constitué durant l'été 2008, Palestinian Unit (بالستينيان يونيت) rassemble Black Unit Band, PR-The Palestinian Rapperz, le groupe de Break Dance Camps Breakerz Crew et le groupe de R&B Watar Band : "with respect we continue... with respect we accept.. but that doesn't mean we are scared or smth.. we luv wut we do nd we respect it too... so with all ur bad attitude dn't expect but respect.. this iz why we are The Palestinian Unit....." Dans le cadre d'une campagne visant à lever des fonds via Indiegogo (, le groupe complète sa présentation en ces termes : "a joint effort of different groups from Palestine-Gaza; PR-The Palestinan Rapperz, Black Unit and Watar band. We're united when music is played. We express emotions and try to depict the reality of the situation through different kinds of music ( Rap, R&B, Soft rock and Classic ). Our motive is to protest the occupation with it different forms. We find hope in the music we reach out with. Our massage is  the ladder to reach dreams of a peaceful life in Palestine."

En 2008, PR et Black Unitdécident de lancer des projets en commun auxquels se joignent musiciens et break dancers de Watar Bandet Camp Breakerz. Le label Palestinian Unit est créé dans ce but et se veut une sorte d'école de hip-hop. C'est dorénavant le plus souvent sous son étiquette que les PR se produisent comme en Franche Comté dans le cadre du Festival International de Musique Universitaire "Fimu Belfort" ( en mai 2012.


La première apparition publique du groupe à Gaza se fait le 6 août 2009 au centre Rashshad al-Chawâ.

Écouter, regarder et lire la production de Palestinian Unit.

Le 16 octobre 2009, concert "Dublin nd Gaza" Two cities in one concert in order to break da seige of GAZA, LOWKEY, SHADIA MANSOUR, frm PALESTINIAN UNIT (PR-The Palestinian Rapperz, Camps Breakerz ) .. . ..... . .

2009, 30/11 university of Palestine 7/12 at RASHAD AL SHAW center .. .... we neva stop ;) always on the move .

7 décembre 2009

يوم الاثنين القادم على خشبة مسرح رشاد الشوا بالتعاون مع منظمة الأمم
المتحدة و شبكة المنظمات الأهلية و منتدى شارك الشبابي و الإتحاد العام
للمراكز الثقافية في وم التضامن العلمي للأمم المتحدة مع الفلسطينيين و
بحضو و تشريف العديد من الشخصيات المهمة من غزة و القدس .. ستقام بمناسبة
هذا اليوم احتفالية بعنوان "غزة تغني للحرية و السلام" و سيشارك في هذا
الاحتفال ممثلو الفن الفلسطيني بجميع انواعه وستكون الوحدة الفلسطينية

PALESTINIAN UNIT هي الممثل لفن الهيب هوب في قطاع غزة ... ..

الدعوات خاصة

avec la guerre de 2009, concert en coopération avec UN "Gaza sings for Peace". (Harara arrêté par police palestnienne, traumatisme).

1er concert en Égypte le 7 janvier 2010 2moroooooo da first show for da palestinian unit (( mohmmed wafy from black unit band & kan3an from pr )) in egypttttttttt - cairooooo .. .saqyt el sawe qa3et el naher 8 pm .. see ya thereeeeeeee .... index.php/news/article/32

New song for black unit band ;) . .. . . Nos Kalami 2 Khaled Harara from black unit Maqdsi from egtya7 ug Produced by Mohammed Al Bitar egtya7ug/nos-kalami-2, 15 octobre 2011

PALESTINIAN UNIT "Hand to hand", 25 novembre 2011, A song to appreciate the international solidarity and support for the Palestinian case .. 29/11 The International Solidarity Day with Palestinian People. Voir photos des paroles.

"Palestinian Unit" will participate in the annual festival (FIMU) in Belfort city-France, 2 concerts, 26 mai 2012. Plusieurs vidéos des concerts sont accessibles à partir de la bibliothèque YouTube de "AliyanMedo" (

Palestinian Unit will be performing in Paris in the 7th of June with Gaza Team and MAP... :), 7 juin 2012

Lors de la fête de la musique 2012, Palestinian Unit était annoncé à Jérusalem mais les autorités israéliennes leur refusèrent l'entrée.

2013, 2 mois au Denemark pour 2 rappeurs. Harâra reste au Danemark, l'autre rentre à Gaza.

En 2014, le groupe compte 7 membres : Mohamed Lomani (محمد اللوماني), Ayman Mghames (أيمن مغامس), Khamis Abu Shahban (خميس أبو شعبان), Mohamad al-Jabaly (محمد الجبالي)

Khâlid Harâra (خالد حرارة) [Né le 20 février 1987 au Yémen, il découvre le rap avec PR et RFM ; il étudie à l'université Al-Aqsâ de Gaza ; en 2013, il profite d'une tournée de Palestinien Unit pour demander l'asile au Danemark où il bénéficie d'un programme de l'ICORNqui lui permet de continuer à rapper] des Black Unit.

Palestinian Unit n'a longtemps été présent sur les réseaux sociaux et le net qu'à travers les groupes musicaux qui le constituent. Seul existait un groupe Facebook "Palestinian Unit" ( qui semble avoir été ouvert vers septembre 2008 et n'existe plus en 2018. En novembre 2011, le groupe entre sur YouTube, "PalestinianUnit" ( mais ne dépose dans sa bibliothèque qu'un seul morceau. Curieusement, le groupe ouvre une nouvelle bibliothèque YouTube en février 2012, "ThePalestinianUnit" (, dotée quant à elle de 3 vidéos (dont celle du premier compte). Ce n'est qu'en mai 2012 qu'il se donne une page officielle, "Palestinian Unit" (, encore en ligne en 2018 mais alimentée que très épisodiquement. Il entre sur Twitter à la même date, "Palestinian Unit" (@PalestinianUnit)", mais n'avait encore jamais tweeté en juillet 2018. Son compte Reverbnation, "Palestinian Unit" (, créé à une date inconnue, abrite 2 morceaux et une vidéo.

A joint effort of different groups from Palestine-Gaza; PR-The Palestinan Rapperz, Black Unit and Watar band. We're united when music is played. We express emotions and try to depict the reality of the situation through different kinds of music ( Rap, R&B, Soft rock and Classic ). Our motive is to protest the occupation with it different forms. We find hope in the music we reach out with. Our massage is the ladder to reach dreams of a peaceful life in Palestine.

PR "Palestinian Rapperz" was launched in 2003 in the Gaza Strip to share the story of Palestinians under constant state of fear and insecurity. We feel that through Rap, barriers of misunderstanding between us and the outside world can be bridged. We are driven by need to identify ourselves because the voice of youth has always been muted. We ask for normality, peace and tolerance in our songs. We decided to direct all that frustration consuming us into a product that would better reflect the reality of the situation in the occupied territories. We have campaigned to spread the word among our fellow Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West bank because Rap has never been a genre listened to or valued and by doing so people became more acquainted and tolerant. We have also Deployed Rap to tackle domestic matters such as the Division of Gaza Strip and the West bank, and the social intolerance Palestinians suffer from. "People Demand an End to Division" was a song released in March 2010 during demonstrations in Gaza Strip to protest the ongoing split between Palestinian political parties. "Sharing the Spring" was the last festival Ayman, a PR member, performed at in Tunis last year.
PR members
Mohamed El Farra, aka DR, The Dynamic Rapper, currently in the US
Ayman Moughames in Gaza
Mahmoud Fayad aka kanaan, currently in Egypt

Black Unit launched in 2008, the group released various songs about the situation in Gaza with distinctive beat and words. They are part of"Arab League Family" a musical group based in different Arab countries. The group performed at several concerts and festivals in The Palestinian territories. "Inside the Green Line" is one of their celebrated songs in Palestine.

Black Unit members
Mohammed Wafi currently in Egypt
Khaled Harara based in Gaza

Watar Band A group of 5 young Palestinians who share passion of music and were joined to make the first R&B band in Gaza strip. A month before the ''cast lead '' crime on Gaza strip the band had its first concert. Our main goal is singing for freedom and world peace. We cover the songs that speaks about a bright future were dark is all over. We played in a concerts such as " Gaza sings for freedom and peace concert " in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 sponsored by the UNDP. 2 months after the war on Gaza, we played a concert on the ruins of the Red Crescent Theater which was bombed by the Israeli war machines, it was a message of defiance that we're not dead and even if our theaters are bombed we'll sing for our homeland and say that We Will Not Go Down. We participated in " la nuit blanche " event at the French Cultural Center here In Gaza under the name "Palestinian Unit", We prefer singing in different languages to reach a wider audience from outside our region.

WATAR Band members
Mohammed Lomani Guitarist
Khamis Abu Shabaan Guitarist and Violinist
Alaa Shublaaq Guitarist and Vocal
Shady Abu Shahla Oud player and Vocal
Mohammed Albaz Drummer and Vocal
Source : Palestinian Unit (, visité le 24 mars 2013.

A joint effort of different groups from Palestine-Gaza; PR-The
Palestinan Rapperz, Black Unit and Watar band. We're united when music is played. We express emotions and try to depict the reality of the situation through different kinds of music ( Rap, R&B, Soft rock and Classic ).
Our motive is to protest the occupation with it different forms. We
find hope in the music we reach out with. Our massage is the ladder to reach dreams of a peaceful life in Palestine.

PR "Palestinian Rapperz"
was launched in 2003 in the Gaza Strip to share the story of Palestinians under constant state of fear and insecurity. We feel that through Rap, barriers of misunderstanding between us and the outside world can be bridged. We are driven by need to identify ourselves because the voice of youth has always been muted. We ask for normality, peace and tolerance in our songs. We decided to direct all that frustration consuming us into a product that would better reflect the reality of the situation in the occupied territories. We have campaigned to spread the word among our fellow Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West bank because Rap has never been a genre listened to or valued and by doing so people became more acquainted and tolerant. We have also Deployed Rap to tackle domestic matters such as the Division of Gaza Strip and the West bank, and the social intolerance Palestinians suffer from. "People Demand an End to Division" was a song released in March 2010 during demonstrations in Gaza Strip to protest the ongoing split between Palestinian political parties. "Sharing the Spring" was the last festival Ayman, a PR member , performed at in Tunis last year.
PR members
Mohamed El Farra, aka DR, The Dynamic Rapper, currently in the US
Ayman Moughames in Gaza
Mahmoud Fayad aka kanaan, currently in Egypt

Black Unit
launched in 2008, the group released various songs about the situation in Gaza with distinctive beat and words. They are part of "Arab League Family" a musical group based in different Arab countries. The group performed at several concerts and festivals in The Palestinian territories. "Inside the Green Line" is one of their celebrated songs in Palestine.

Black Unit members
Mohammed Wafi currently in Egypt
Khaled Harara based in Gaza

Watar Band
A group of 5 young Palestinians who share passion of music and were joined to make the first R&B band in Gaza strip. A month before the '' cast lead '' crime on Gaza strip the band had its first concert. Our main goal is singing for freedom and world peace. We cover the songs that speaks about a bright future were dark is all over. We played in a concerts such as " Gaza sings for freedom and peace concert " in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 sponsored by the UNDP.
2 months after the war on Gaza, we played a concert on the ruins of the Red Crescent Theater which was bombed by the Israeli war machines, it was a message of defiance that we're not dead and even if our theaters are bombed we'll sing for our homeland and say that We Will Not Go Down.
We participated in " la nuit blanche " event at the French Cultural Center here In Gaza under the name "Palestinian Unit", We prefer singing in different languages to reach a wider audience from outside our region.

WATAR Band members
Mohammed Lomani Guitarist
Khamis Abu Shabaan Guitarist and Violinist
Alaa Shublaaq Guitarist and Vocal
Shady Abu Shahla Oud player and Vocal
Mohammed Albaz Drummer and Vocal

Source : Palestinian Unit (, visité le 22 avril 2013.

Camps Breakerz Crew

Première formation de breakdance à Gaza, Camps Breakerz Crew (بريكرز المخيمات) a été créé en 2004 (2003 selon certaines de ses historiographies). Les trois frères Bboy Funk ("Funk G bboy C.B") ( ("Funk Cb Crew") ( (Muhammad Al-Ghrayz) (محمد الغريز) (arrivé à Gaza en 2003 depuis l'Arabie saoudite pour faire ses études, il était déjà un Bboy et c'est lui qui décide d'implanter le breakdance à Gaza, infirmier à Dar al-Shifaa, diplômé de l'université islamique, né 22 août 1986), Bboy Jarule ("Jarule Cb Crew") ( ('Abd Allâh Al-Ghrayz) (عبد الله الغريز) et Bboy Shark ("SHark cb Free gaza (SHARK bboy, , , , , , CAMPS BREAKERZ)") ( ("Shaark Cb Crew") ( (Ahmad Al-Ghrayz) (tous deux rejoignent leur frère depuis l'Arabie saoudite, Ahmad ayant un diplôme d'infirmier d'al-Azhar-Gaza) sont à l'origine du groupe avec Ahmad Ismâ'îl ("Ahmed Ismail"(Pipboy) ( (أحمد اسماعيل) (né en Arabie saoudite, diplômé de Quds Open university, infirmier à al-Shifaa). Ils sont rejoints par Bboy Machine (Ibrahîm al-Achram) (ابراهيم الاشرم) et donnent alors leur première représentation publique. En 2005, le groupe se développe avec l'arrivée de Bboy Marwan (il quitte le groupe en octobre 2011), suivi en 2006 par Bboy Dark ("Dark Campsbreakerz") ( (Ibrahîm Ramadân) (ابراهيم رمضان) (alors âgé de 16 ans) et Bboy Don ("Don Camps Breakerz Crew") ( (ancien étudiant de Polytechnique) (Ahmad Al-Hawrânî) (احمد الحوراني). Bboy Puma ("bboy puma-campsbreakerz-crew breakdance palestine") ( ("Puma CB Crew") ( (Fahad Abû Nimr) (فهد ابو نمر) (né aux Émirats) se joint ensuite au groupe. On trouve également "Chino Cb Crew" ( (étudiant al-Azhar-Gaza) et Bboy Fox ("Føx Cb Crew (Belal Abu Shawish)" ( Camps Breakerz Crew est dirigé par "Ahmed Ismail" (Pipboy) ( (أحمد اسماعيل) et "Mohammed Al Zaeem (Camps Breakerz Crew)" ( (Muhammad al-Za'îm) (محمد الزعيم) (ancien étudiant en droit d'al-Azhar-Gaza).

Camps Breakers Crew n'est pas le seul groupe de break dance à Gaza. On pourra également citer

Ajouter Myuz GB Crew (Gazabreakdancecrew)

Dans son auto-présentation, Camps Breakerz Crew précise qu'il "uses break dance to feel  free and to make sure that freedom is important to Palestinian people, by drama shows about the situation in Gaza and the life in Gaza, that's by working  in crew and respecting each other".

"Camps Breakerz Crew" ( se donne un site web en mai 2008. En novembre 2009, le site "CAMPS BREAKERZ | B’BOYS OF PALESTINE" ( est créé pour une levée de fonds. Sa page MySpace "CAMPS BREAKERZ crew > Break dance palestine" ( semble avoir été créée la même année. Sa page Facebook, enfin, "Camps Breakerz" (, semble avoir été créée en décembre 2010.

Camps Breakerz Crew

Who we are :

We are a group of Palestinian youth from Gaza strip, we live in refugee camps and we have different certificates from local universities. This crew started in 2004 by some guys who had a lot of skills in sports . This crew uses break dance to feel free and to make sure that freedom is important to Palestinian people, by drama shows about the situation in Gaza and the life in Gaza, that's by working in crew and respecting each other.

Our special goals:

1- Make break dance a famous art in Gaza.
2- Show the world that we have this art even though Gaza is going through this situation.
3- Show that Palestine is a good country . love the peace by repressing Palestine in whole world.
4- Show Palestine and the situation in Gaza by our shows.
5- Build a club to train.

Our goals:

1- Reinforcing guys and girls socially and educationally, as well as leadership, and increase participation around our daily lives.
2- give people the meaning of a real art, and how new drama makes them have a place in the social environment.
3- grow up the skills, arts and sports, letting each one develop their own.
4- Upgrading the training level to improve it each time.
5- Strengthening cooperation, to work as one team.
6- Repressing Palestine country in every part in the world.
7- Expand the Cooperation and exchange, experiences and thinking between the team.
8- Exterminate the suffering of children, and drawing a smile in their faces, spreading love and cooperation.
9-Reduce stress and psychological shock that wars have caused in Gaza.
10- help the children to break the silence and fear they have in their hearts, and help them to give their own opinion about it.


1- shows and drama.
2- musical & dance shows.
3- Entertainment shows.
4- sport shows.
5- workshops. under we don't have place.

Activities undertaken by the Action Team:

1- White Night 2008, 2009 : the team makes a big show in ccf (center culture France) and the White Night means : the night the Frances people make a big party and show the world the arts and skills they have.
2- mother´s day: the team makes a party by themselves, with their own support, making a great show by expressing our feelings about the war.
3- Quaker Palestine youth program, the U.S. Foundation: the team makes a show talking about the Palestinian Unit.
4- Draft achievement Popular: the team makes a show talking about our skills, and how they will not break because of the war.
5- workshops for children : participated in project with save the children foundation and Federation of Cultural Centers, this project with all kinds of children ( Deafness, Handicapped, Xanthous ) around Gaza strip, supported them to break dance and let them out show their skills too all kind of children.
6- Jawwal company : we make a little show talking about the connections and services the Jawwal company has, and why it is good, and more.
7 - Foundation Youth Forum: The team introduced the talk about the new art that has emerged despite the occupation.
8- Valentine´s day: we make a sweet show talking about what this day should really be like.
9- the World Music Day: the team make a big show about the musical day, and that was that in CCF.
10- the new year show 2007, 2008: we make a shows to the new year, talking about what the new year means to us.
11- 60 years of occupation: we make a drama the show talks about the 60 years and that’s.
12- Islamic University 2008, 2009: we make a big show in Islamic University, and the show talks about the day we celebrate sports, it is a great day.
13- ALqattan foundation for children: we make a big and long show, about 1 hour long, dedicated to children, we played with them, and we included a freestyle break dance and workshops. We made a show too, we made them so happy, they were smiling all the way.
14-Agyal foundation: the team made a show for children, to support them and help them get out from the war situation.
15- Sport show: we made a sport show, it was for UNRWA children in the school.
16- workshops: the team made workshops to cubs, we teach them some gymnastics and break dance moves, it lasted two months.
17-summer games 2005_2009 : the team participated in summer games for children of the see?, to UNRWA, and made some children learn about break dance and gymnastics moves.
18- We are the first team to break dance in Gaza strip, and there is some people from our team that have gone to other countries, to spread our ideals out of Gaza strip. For example, Mohammed Al-Ghraiz has traveled to Switzerland 2007 for Free gaza concert, and Belal abu Shaweesh, has traveled to Italy and Algeria 2009, with UNRWA school.

Future Vision:

An idea to the youth of this art and form teams adopt this art and which we can deploy the art of break dancing in particular and the issue of youth and the Palestinian cause in general and helps them to concerts and festivals of the relevant institutions where we can through this category the delivery of youth this art to the largest possible number of members of the society and translated through the important issues of youth and their delivery to all concerned, where we hope to make a difference and a private entity to us helps us to convey our message through this community, continuity and configuration to us through the artistic performances, which will be communicated to the institutions concerned for a small fee helps us to continue and deliver a message to the world that the Palestinian people is not a terrorist but a peaceful people and do as he does the world where we hope to find a place worthy of exercises and activities and offers the band and hope that through this art to obtain the freedom of the Palestinian youth to express their issues in all fields as well as hope for the implementation of inter-Samuel groups that are trained to the level of the Gaza Strip to choose the best access and competition in the outside world of the same art.

من نحن :
مجموعة من الشباب الفلسطيني الذي نشأ داخل قطاع غزة بمخيمات اللاجئين و يحملون تخصصات مختلفة يقوم على أساس بناء و تطوير قدرات و مهارات الشباب من خلال العروض الدرامية و الاستعراضية و الفنية و الرياضية تكونت هذه الفرقة عام 2004 من قبل مجموعة من الشباب و تمتلك هذه الفرقة نوع من الفنون و اللياقة و الخبرات و المواهب في الكثير من الرياضات والفنون . هذه الفرقة استخدمت فن البريك دانس للتعبير عن حرية الشاب الفلسطيني و تحقيق حلمه كما و شرحت من خلال عروضها الدرامية و الفنية و الاستعراضية والرياضية عن المعاناة التي يعيش بها الشاب الفلسطيني بقطاع غزة عن طريق دمج فن الدراما و التمثيل الصامت المدمج بفن البريك دانس و القائمون على الفرقة هم مجموعة متميزة من الشباب تقوم بتنظيم و تفعيل دور الشباب من خلال العمل بروح الفريق الواحد بقاعدة احترام الآخر.

أهدافنا :
أولا : أهداف خاصة :
1- نشر فن البريك دانس داخل قطاع غزة بصورة جيدة .
2- نظهر للعالم أننا نمتلك هذا النوع من الفن رغم الأوضاع التي يمر بها قطاع غزة .
3- إظهار صورة جيدة للعالم ان فلسطين شعب مسالم .
4- إظهار صورة فلسطين و أوضاع غزة بالتحديد للعالم من خلال العروض .
5- إنشاء مقر يليق بتدريبات الفريق للحفاظ على استمرار هذا الفن في قطاع غزة .

ثانيا : أهداف عامة :
1- إكساب الشباب مفاهيم رياضية فنية استعراضية درامية جديدة تمكنهم من لعب أدوار في المجتمع .
2- تنمية القدرات الرياضية و الفنية و الدرامية و الاستعراضية من خلال تبادل الخبرات
3- الارتقاء بمستوى تدريب الشباب لتمكينهم من تدريب مجموعات شبابية أخرى .
4- العمل على تفريغ الطاقات المكبوتة لدى الشباب و الأطفال و الترفيه عنهم و إتاحة الفرصة لهم للتعبير عن مواهبهم .
5- توسيع آفاق التعاون و تبادل الخبرات و الأفكار و تنمية مبدأ الشراكة مع المؤسسات ذات الصلة محلياً و دولياً .
6- التخفيف من معاناة الأطفال و رسم الابتسامة على وجوههم و نشر المحبة و التعاون والإخاء بينهم .
7- محاولة التخفيف من الضغط النفسي و الكبت الناتج عن الصدمات المتكررة للأطفال .
8- المساهمة في رسم البسمة على شفاه الأطفال و خلق جو المرح و البهجة لديهم .
9- مساعدة الأطفال في كسر حاجز الصمت و الخوف و التعبير عن آرائهم حتى آرائهم الذاتية .

أنشطتنا :
1- عروض و مسرحيات درامية .
2- عروض موسيقية فنية .
3- عروض ترفيهية فنية .
4- عروض رياضية.
5- دورات تدريبية

الأنشطة التي قام بها فريق العمل :
1- الليلة البيضاء : قام الفريق بعمل عدة عروض مميزة في المركز الثقافي الفرنسي بمناسبة الليلة البيضاء لعام 2008 _ 2009 ، الليلة البيضاء هي ليلة يحتفل بها الفرنسيون من كل عام حيث يكون فيها العديد من الفنون التي تبهر الجمهور .
2- عرض ل مؤسسة الكويكرز الأمريكية للشباب : حيث شارك الفريق في اختتام فعاليات مشروع الإنجاز الشعبي بعرض يتحدث عن الوحدة الوطنية .
3- شركة جوال للاتصالات : قام الفريق بعرض على أغنية لشركة جوال, وذلك بمناسبة وصول عدد المشتركين في شركة جوال إلى المليون مشترك .
4- يوم الموسيقى العالمي : قام الفريق بعرض ليوم الموسيقى العالمي في المركز الثقافي الفرنسي .
5- رأس السنة : قام الفريق بعرض بمناسبة حلول السنة الجديدة أل2007_2008 حيث أن العروض كانت تتحدث عن وضع غزة كل سنة .
6- يوم ذكرى مرور أل 60 عام على الاحتلال : قامت الفرقة بعرض على أغنية للفرقة تتحدث عن الستون عام للاحتلال على الأراضي الفلسطينية .
7- العرض الرياضي الترفيهي لطلاب مدارس الوكالة بمناسبة انتهاء عامهم الدراسي 2007 _ 2008
8- مؤسسة الأجيال : قدمت الفرقة عرضاً ترفيهاً للأطفال بالتنسيق مع مؤسسة أجيال و ذلك بعد انتهاء الحرب حيث كان الاحتفال بمثابة التخفيف من حدة المعاناة التي عاشها الأطفال و الصدمات النفسية من جراء الحرب على غزة .
9- الجامعة الإسلامية : قدمت الفرقة للجامعة الإسلامية عرض رياضي 2008_2009.
10- مؤسسة القطان للاطفال : قامت الفرقة بالتعاقد مع مؤسسة القطان لعمل احتفال للأطفال 2009 و تخلل الاحتفال تعريف بالفرقة و ألعاب تنشيطية بالإضافة إلى المسابقات المتنوعة و المشوقة و أنهت الفرقة الاحتفال بعرض ترفيهي للأطفال حيث لاقت الفرقة قبول كبير من قبل الأطفال .
11- الدورات التدريبية : قامت الفرقة بعقد دورات تدريبية لتدريب الأشبال على فن البريك دانس حيث كانت مدة الدورة شهرين تخللها تدريب الأشبال على مهارات الجمباز و البريك دانس و كيفية عمل المقاطع و دمج المهارات مع بعضها وما زالت .
12- ألعاب الصيف المخيمات البحرية : حيث قامت الفرقة بتدريب الأطفال على العروض الاستعراضية ، هذا و قام الأطفال بعدة عروض استعراضية كانت من تصميم الفريق .
13- مشروع الكرنفال بدعم من مؤسسة إنقاذ الطفل, حيث تم التعاقد مع المؤسسة و هو مشروع تنشيطيي ترفيهي للأطفال حيث كان الهدف من المشروع الترفيه عن الأطفال و التخفيف عنهم رغم الحصار حيث قامت الفرقة بعمل عدة عروض للأطفال بالإضافة إلى اكتشاف مواهب الأطفال و تطويرها لهم كذلك قامت الفرقة بعمل عدة ألعاب تنشيطية للأطفال و مسابقات شيقة بجميع نواحي قطاع غزة من الشمال إلى الجنوب, ولجميع طبقات الأطفال ( صم, معاقين, منغوليين ) .
14- مناسبة يوم الأم : قام الفريق بعمل الاحتفال بنفسه من دعم ذاتي من مجهود الشباب, حيث قام الفريق بعرض يتحدث عن الحرب .
15- قدمت الفرقة عرض للناجحين في الثانوية العامة و كان هذا العرض بمثابة هدية مقدمة من الفرقة للطلاب لمكافئتهم على نجاحهم و لمواصلتهم لمسيرة العلم .
16- مشروع الانجاز الشعبي : قام الفريق بعرض يتحدث عن مواهب الشباب رغم ظل الحصار .
17- يوم الحب : قام الفريق بعرض يتحدث عن يوم الحب و قدمه في فندق الجزيرة في يوم مليء بالاحتفالات .
18- UNDP : قدمت الفرقة عرضاً في مركز رشاد الشوا و ذلك يوم 7-12-2009م و ذلك حيث كان الاحتفال بالتعاون مع مجموعة المؤسسات الأهلية BENGO و منتدى شارك الشبابي و الاتحاد العام للمراكز الثقافية حيث كان العرض يتحدث عن الأحزاب الوطنية و السياسية و فلسطين تحت الحصار و ما فعله الاحتلال بشعب فلسطين من حيث التحزب السياسي و التعصب الحزبي كما تحدث العرض عن أهمية السلام للشعب الفلسطيني و حريته كباقي شعوب العالم .
19- جمعية المجد النسائية : قدمت الفرقة عرض في نادي خدمات النصيرات بالتعاون مع جمعية المجد النسائية و جمعية المنال لتطوير المرأة الريفية حيث كان العرض يتحدث عن فلسطين و أوضاع غزة و ضرورة التوصل إلى الحل السلمي .
20- مركز الأمديست لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية : و ذلك في مطعم الروتس بتاريخ 31-1-2010 حيث قدمت الفرقة عرض بريك دانس بمناسبة تخريج فوج من الطلاب الذين يتعلمون اللغة الانجليزية و كان العرض الأول من نوعه في عالم البريك دانس .
21- مشروع مراكز العائلة : حيث تم الاتفاق بين فرقة Camps Breakerz و منتدى شارك الشبابي للعمل مع أطفال مشروع مراكز العائلة في الأيام المفتوحة التي نسق لها المنتدى حيث قامت الفرقة بعمل أيام مفتوحة للأطفال في منطقة الوسطى و هي عبارة عن يومان يوم الخميس بتاريخ 18/2/2010 في مؤسسة براعم الأمل بالمغازي حيث تم استهداف 50 طفل و يوم الاثنين بتاريخ 22/2/2010 في الهيئة الفلسطينية للتنيمة بدير البلح حيث تم استهداف 210 أطفال و كانت طبيعة الأيام المفتوحة عبارة عن ألعاب تنشيطية و عروض ترفيهية استعراضية و مسابقات و ألعاب دمى العرائس بالإضافة إلى الفن التشكيلي حيث عبر الأطفال عن فرحهم و سرورهم بالأيام المفتوحة و تمنوا المزيد منها .
22- يوم المرأة : و ذلك في صناعة الوكالة KYTC بخان يونس حيث تم التنسيق مع اليونيسيف و اليونيفيم لعرض بمناسبة يوم المرأة العالمي حيث كان العرض يوم الثلاثاء بتاريخ 9/3/2010 حيث قدم الفريق عرض بهذه المنسابة يتحدث عن حرية المرأة الفلسطينية .
23- بالإضافة إلى أن الفرقة مثلت فلسطين في فن البريك دانس خارج قطاع غزة حيث سافر محمد ليمثل فلسطين في فن البريك دانس في سويسرا 2007 كذلك سافر بلال إلى الجزائر و من ثم إلى إيطاليا ليمثل فلسطين للمرة الثانية في فن البريك دانس2009 .

الرؤية المستقبلية :
تكوين فكرة لدى الشباب عن هذا الفن وتكوين فرق تتبنى هذا الفن ومن خلاله نستطيع نشر فن البريك دانس بشكل خاص وتمثيل قضية الشبابوالقضية الفلسطينية بشكل عام و يساعدهم على إحياء حفلات و مهرجانات للمؤسسات ذات الصلة حيث نستطيع من خلال هذه الفئة الشبابية إيصال هذا الفن إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من أبناء المجتمع و ترجمته عبر القضايا الشبابية الهامة و إيصالها إلى كل من يعنيه الأمر حيث نطمح لإيجاد فرق و كيان خاص لنا يساعدنا لإيصال رسالتنا عبر هذا المجتمع و تكوين الاستمرارية لنا من خلال العروض الفنية التي سنقدمها للمؤسسات المعنية, تساعدنا على الاستمرار وإيصال رساله للعالم أن الشعب الفلسطيني ليس شعبا إرهابيا بل مسالم ويفعل كما يفعل العالم حيث نطمح لإيجاد مكان يليق بتدريبات و أنشطة و عروض الفرقة و نطمح من خلال هذا الفن الحصول على حرية الشعب الفلسطيني للتعبير عن قضاياه في كل الميادين كما نطمح إلى تنفيذ بطولات مشتركة بين المجموعات التي يتم تدريبها على مستوى قطاع غزة لاختيار الأفضل والوصول والمنافسة في العالم الخارجي الذي يحمل نفس هذا الفن .

Source : CAMPS BREAKERZ | B’BOYS OF PALESTINE (, visité le1er mai 2012.

Camps Breakerz Crew is a Break Dancing Crew which represents Palestine in the Break Dancing community and in the wider world.
Located in the Gaza Strip, Nusirat Camps, Camps Breakerz Crew has been been giving back to their community by doing shows (music, sport, drama), youth workshops and other community based projects since 2005. In addition to helping their community their goal is Gaza's freedom and they hope to tell the world about life in Gaza through their dance by attending break dancing competitions outside of Gaza.

The members of Camps Breakerz Crew are:

The Bboys:
Bboy Funk G ( Mohammed Al Ghraiz),
Bboy Jarule (Abdullah Al Ghraiz),
Bboy Machine (Ibrahim al Ashram ),
Bboy Shark ( Ahmed Al Ghraiz ),
Bboy Don (Ahmed Al Horany )
Bboy Dark (Ibrahim Ramdan ),
Bboy Puma ( Fahad Abo Nemer ),
Bboy Fox ( Belal Abo Shawesh )

The Managers:
Ahmed Ismail
Mohammed Al Zaeem

Source : Camps Breakerz (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

Mohammed Alghriez came to Palestine from the KSA to complete his studying. When he arrived in Gaza in 2003 he was a witness to the horrible conditions that the Palestinians are foreced to endure. Angry at the war, the lack of freedom and the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people because of the Israeli occupation, Mohammed thought to leave Palestine but was unable to travel because of the restrictions imposed by the occupiers. Saddened by his new situation he wondered what he could do to improve it. In the KSA he had been a bboy and decided to start break dancing again in Gaza. The only problem was that he was alone - break dancing hadn't found it's way to the isolated people of Gaza. He decided to start a crew to support him. It took a year of searching to find the special people that would become Camp Breakerz. While attending college in 2004 he met Ahmed (Pipboy), who had a natural talent for dancing. Together they chose the name for the crew, Camps Breakerz. Mohammeds brothers Ahmed (Shark Bboy) Abdallah (Ja rule bboy) arrived from the KSA, and joined the crew too. Machen bboy came to the crew next. A big fan of hip hop, Machen added the special move of break beats to the Camps Breakerz routine. Pretty soon they had the opportunity to put on a show. Although the boys were very nervous that the audience wouldn't appreciate their art, the results surpassed expectations. The audience loved the show which reinforced to the crew that they were doing something great and increased their determination. Sports lover Marwan (Barwan Bboy) was next to join the ranks in 2005. 2006 saw the addition of sports teacher Ibrahem (dark Bboy) then 16 year old Ahmed (Don Bboy) who likes power moves. Fahad (Puma Bboy) is the newest member of the Camps Breakerz Crew. "We have one goal, one dream. To bring freedom to Palestine and happiness to our people through break dancing. The shows are dramatic art that tell stories and allow us to express our feelings about the situation here in Gaza, about the war and the rights of the Palestinian people. We hope to expand and make other teams to share our art. Dancing gives us a taste of freedom, and our audiences feel free too. We know that one day we will be free to leave gaza and share our art with the world and share our dreams of peace and freedom. If we die because of the Israeli occupation there will be other Bboys and other crews to take our place, sharing our dreams and goals. We appreciate all the messages of support that we get.. Our goals : * To spread out break dance in Gaza. * To show the whole world that we have this art despite the hard conditions. * To express the Palestinian case and to have their voice. * To develop their talents in sport and break dance art. * Present a good image of Palestine. * Represent Palestine in the international community. * Construct a building for training break dance. * To be role models to the children of Palestine. " ......................... Many thanks CAMPS BREAKERZ crew WWW.CAMPSBREAKERZ>COM ..‎Camps Breakerz Crew‎ 
Source : CAMPS BREAKERZ crew > Break dance palestine (, visité le 26 janvier 2012.

À propos de moi :

Hey, my name is mohammed, iam was born in KSA, iam palestinan man, i finish my school in KSA, then i come here to palestine Gaza strip cuz i miss my country palestine to complete my studying, i finish the college of nursing, when i live here i saw somethings i diddnt see it before, life war, no power, no gas, then i think to come back to my family in KSA, but the Israel occupation close the borders, no way to travel, no Freedom, iam so sad about this life, some day i was watch the TV some sing strong i like it and love it its BREAK DANCE .i love what they are do, i was wish to be break dancer, then i start of search about this art on internet and DVD moves, i begin to learn it , by watch the videos, now iam have great level, i can dance allot of kinds of dance, then iam feel bad cuz iam alone break dancer here in gaza strip, i thinking of make crew to be the first in Palestine, its taken 2 years to make the crew, now i have crew its called Camps Breakerz, cuz we are live in the camps in gaza strip, i start to make shows and performance for pepole on gaza strip, they are sip rice about us, specially we mix drama in our shows, talk about freedom and our situation like war and palestine right, i will be bboy for get the freedom and for ever, if i die by israel soldiers my crew will get the freedom .... much recpect
Statut : Célibataire
Je suis ici pour : Réseau, Rencontres, Relations sérieuses, Amis
Ville natale : Nosirat
Orientation : Hétéro
Allure : 184 cm / Athlétique
Type : Moyen-Orient
Religion : Musulman
Signe astro. : Vierge
Enfants : Je ne veux pas d’enfants !
Études : Université
Travail : nurse
Source : Funk G bboy C.B (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

just remember that's words
and don't stop the music

█████████ 100% *ღdevil.ღ*

i am shark bboy from camps breakerz crew, we are the first bboys in palestine, and the best i am sure we are the best, i hope we can out our bad situation to good, and make shows out our country, and do some battles too, i am sure we'll won hehehe, yah sorry i forget, to tell you iam nurse without job, and i can help all people, ( i am fear to kill them ) hehehe looool, and i am Editor videos too, my other nick name is Pasto mix,
okay if you wanna more about me you can add me and we can talk,

peace :)
Source : Shaark Cb Crew (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

لطالما عشقت الرياضة بجميع انواعها و احببت فن البريك دانس على وجه الخصوص و ذلك لصعوبته و لتحديه للجاذبية الارضية فهو فن فريد من نوعه حيث ان فرقة camps breakerz استطاعت ان تكون على مستوى عال من اللياقة البدنية و الحركية و المهارية لهذا الفن الصعب و بالرغم من حبي الابدي لهذا الفن الا انني احلم ان تكون جميع الرياضات في قطاعنا غزة على مستوى عال للقيام بالبطولات للفرق الرياضية على مستوى العالم و في النهاية حلمي هو ان يرفع العلم الفلسطيني في الدورة الاولميبية لعام 2012 و يعزف السلام الوطني الفلسطيني و هذا هو دليل على الانتصار الفلسطيني لان شعب فلسطين و بالاخص في بلدنا هنا في غزة نستطيع ان نجعل من الصعب سهل ان اردنا كسر الارقام القياسية و كسر القيود اما عن رياضتي و فني المقضل فن البريك دانس اتمنى ان نمثل فلسطين في هذا الفن عبر العالم و اتمنى ممن يستطيع المساعدة في نشر هذا الفن ان يساعدنا في نشره عبر محافظات قطاع غزة و عبر العالم حتى يعرف العالم اجمع ان فن البريك دانس موجود في قطاع غزة و هو يعرف ان هذا الفن موجود .
Source : Dark Campsbreakerz (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

In the begening i want to introduce my self to you, Im just a normal guy try to live a simple life with full of hopes and happiness. My name is "Ahmed Ismail" and you see where iam from?!! My life divided to two parts, The first part of my life was in saudi arabia . I was born there and live the first 17 years of my life there, it was beautiful life because we lived together whole family and all the memories of my childhood there, after dead of my mother we moved to our home -PALESTINE_GAZA. I finished my studied nursing in 2007 . I work now in the hospital . In the same time i have courses in the - FOREX TRADING - some time i work and train hard to get more experiance, its the esialy way to get the money but in the same time its very risky to lose your money, Also i work for my crew " Camps Breakerz Crew" which started at 2004 after we make it me and my partner. Im the manager of the Camps Breakerz Crew . We work hard together as brothers to get all what we want and what we dream of it . I have too much to talk about but i think thats enough, so any one want to know more or to talk i say to him/her you wellcome any time, just knock my wall or my inbox. In the end i want every body know this sentence FREE CAMPS BREAKERZ CREW .

Source : Ahmed Ismail (Pipboy) (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

bboy puma-campsbreakerz-crew breakdance palestine : Présentation

Qui je suis :
hey, my name is fahad, my nike name is . puma bboy iam one of camps breakerz crew, i finished the university in palestine gaza strip now i serch about job here, teacher of sport, i love the sport so much, fottball, basketball, and bboying :), i play the break dance not 4 lose the time or dance, i feel some free in this way, cuz u know how is our life in gaza strip, no free, kill, fights , i hope some day be free man, bboy 4 freedome .

27 ans
palestine gaza strip. nusirat camp not Israël

Source : bboy puma-campsbreakerz-crew breakdance palestine (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

love u Palestine...
hope i give u more...

hello..., my name is Fahad.i born in UAE.and im palestinian man. im back to my country and my city gaza..and i learn the dance with my crew camps breakers ........:)
i cant wont to talken alote but im broud about im dancer(break dancer)..

Source : Puma CB Crew (, visité le 30 mars 2012.

Watar Band

Watar Band a été créé en 2008 comme groupe se revendiquant de l'acoustique, du R&B et du Rock. Il est constitué de cinq jeunes, Muhammad al-Lûmânî (محمد اللوماني) (guitare électrique) [En 2018, il est à Gaza le directeur de l'IT unit à la A.M. Qattan Foundation], 'Alâ' Chublâq (علاء شبلاق) (né à Tunis, il est diplômé de l'University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS) de Gaza et travaille depuis 2010 pour le Career Development Institute for Training & Consultancy) [ne pas le confondre avec le 'Alâ' Chublâq des PAR (Palestinian Army Rappers), d'Intifadaet de Kayan"], Muhammad al-Bâz (محمد الباز) (né le 8 novembre 1988, il étudie à al-Azhar de Gaza et habite désormais Kuala Lumpur) (batteur et chanteur), Khamîs Abû Cha'bân (خميس ابو شعبان) (guitare et violon basse) et Châdî Chahla (شادي شحلة) (né en 1989) (luth et chanteur).

Dans son auto-présentation, Watar Band se donne pour objectif "to unload their energies and express their feelings through music, culture, blending the cultures of other functional, enabling them to perform Arabic and Western songs be uploaded into the content of the message of peace and patriotism and to discuss social matters is also".

"Watar Band" ( a alimenté une page MySpace d'avril 2008 à décembre 2009. Il dispose également depuis mars 2009 d'un groupe Facebook, "Watar Band" ( et d'un compte Twitter depuis octobre 2013 "Watar Band" ( (toujours actif début 2018).

وترباند | Watar Band (


Muhammad al-Lûmânî (محمد اللوماني) est présent sur Facebook depuis juin 2010 au plus tard avec un compte "Mohammad Lomani" ( En 2018, sa chaîne YouTube "Mohammed Lomani" ( offre 8 enregistrements déposés entre décembre 2008 et décembre 2010.

'Alâ' Chublâq alias GR est sur MySpace, "'alaa'" ( depuis une date inconnue, son espace n'étant ouvert qu'à ses seuls amis. En janvier 2009, il dispose d'un compte MySpace intitulé "Alaa Shublaq !! KAYAN !!" ( qui deviendra celui de Watar Band. Il a également ouvert un compte Twitter "alaa shublaq" (@AlaaShublaq) en mars 2012 et un compte Facebook en juin 2010 "Alaa Shublaq" ( toujours actifs en 2018. Créé au plus tard en 2015, son compte SoundCloud, "Alaa Shublaq" (, est très actif en 2018 mais ses morceaux ne sont pour la plupart pas les siens.

Muhammad al-Bâz (محمد الباز) est également sur Facebook depuis août 2009 au plus tard avec un compte "Mohammed Albaz" (, Khamîs Abû Cha'bân (خميس ابو شعبان) avec un compte "Khamis Abushaban" ( ouvert en octobre 2007 et un compte Twitter "Khamis S. AbuShaban" (@KhamisWATARBAND) ouvert en octobre 2011 (son tweet le plus récent remonte à mai 2015), et Châdî Chahla (شادي شحلة) avec un compte "Shady H. Shahla" ( créé en août 2007.

Infos générales

Genre : Acoustique / R&B / Rock
Lieu :GAZA Nt, IL
Affichages : 11571
Dernière connexion : 23/12/2009
Membre depuis 10/04/2008
Label unsigned
Type de label Major


WATAR BAND About the band: WATAR BAND was created in 2008 in Gaza strip of five young people from youth who tried to unload their energies and express their feelings through music, culture, blending the cultures of other functional, enabling them to perform Arabic and Western songs be uploaded into the content of the message of peace and patriotism and to discuss social matters is also. Putting them together to love music and unite their vision and their belief that music is the language standard and popular with the people and through which the Palestinian people can improve and reverse the culture and feelings and express themselves in artistic and cultural life away from violence or the results that have impacted negatively on the people because of war, which forced him to be companion lieutenant in the history of his life. The vision: That one day we can be able to transfer our culture and reinforce the message of peace to the peoples of the world through our work and our expertise. ........ ...... Layout by..CoolChaser.. .... ........ .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......


Mohammed el Lomani (Elctric Guitar) ALA'A Shoublaq (Guitar & Vocals) Khamis Abu Shaban (Aud, violin, guitar) Mohammed el Baz (Drummer & Vocals) Shady Aby Shahla (Aud, Vocals)


................WATAR BAND.. on Facebook..

Similaire à

.. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... RT '' watar band ''...... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ......
Source : Watar Band (, visité le 30 janvier 2012.

Watar Band

A group of 5 young Palestinians who share passion of music and were joined to make the first R&B band in Gaza strip. 

A month before the '' cast lead '' crime on Gaza strip the band had its first concert .

Our main goal is singing for freedom and world peace.

We cover the songs that speaks about a bright future were dark is all over.

We played in a concerts such as " Gaza sings for freedom and peace concert " in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 sponsored by the UNDP.

2 months after the war on Gaza, we played a concert on the ruins of the Red Crescent Theater which was bombed by the Israeli war machines, it was a message of defiance that we're not dead and even if our theaters are bombed we'll sing for our homeland and say that We Will Not Go Down.

We participated in " la nuit blanche " event at the French Cultural Center here In Gaza under the name "Palestinian Unit",

We prefer singing in different languages to reach a wider audience from outside our region.

WATAR Band members

Mohammed Lomani Guitarist
Khamis Abu Shabaan Guitarist and Violinist
Alaa Shublaaq Guitarist and Vocal
Shady Abu Shahla Oud player and Vocal
Mohammed Albaz Drummer and Vocal         

Source : Indiegogo (, visité le 30 avril 2012.