CV de J-F Legrain  1ère Édition (30 juin 2019)

Sources et documents de l’histoire du rap à Gaza

مصادر ووثائق تاريخ الراب في غزة

Jean-François Legrain

Palestinian Unit

We Teach Life Sir (Official Video)

Source : Watar Band (, mis en ligne le 24 août 2014. Voir 2012.

Palestinian Unit, en directo el el Espai Jove La Fontana, Barcelona, 15/05/2013.
Concert in commemoració de la Naqba Palestina, tocando juntos con LDS (Lágrimas de Sangre) y Pablo Hasél.

Palestinian Unit : Barcelona, 15/05/2013 (, live, Barcelone, 15 mai 2013.

[Palestine Radio] Fuerza Palestina! - Palestinian Unit + MC Ske & Kayejero & RAPOLITICS @Operaen , København, Denmark, 14 mars 2013, mis en ligne 22 mars 2013

[Palestine Radio] PALESTINIAN UNIT & RAPOLITICS @Operaen, København, Denmark, 14 mars 2013, mis en ligne 22 mars 2013

hip-hop Café With PALESTINIAN UNIT & RAPOLITICS @Operaen, København, Denmark, 14 mars 2013, mis en ligne 22 mars 2013

The Gazans, Have been through a bad times in the couple of days ...
after the 2012 war on Gaza, the small place in the south of GREAT Palestine ...
People woke up in the next day, , , To teach life, Sir ...!

الغزيون, مروا بأوقات عصبية في الأيام القليلة الماضية ...
بعد انتهاء حرب 2012 على غزة, المدينة الصغيرة في جنوب فلسطين العظيمة ...
استيقظ الفلسطينيون في اليوم التالي, , , ليعلموا العالم الحياة, سيدي ...!

Palestinian Unit - Mawtini, mis en ligne 25 novembre 2012 (studio).

Palestinian Unit - Gaza Team - ZEP from MAP, 105 rue du fbg du Temple Paris, 7 juin 2012

Palestinian Unit Feat Dj Try & PIHPOH @ FIMU 2012, Palestinian Unit Featuring Dj Try & PIHPOH"Gaza Poster" au FIMU, Scène du Conservatoire et scène du Lion - Belfort - Samedi 26 et Lundi 28 Mai 2012, mis en ligne 6 juin 2012.

A joint effort of different groups from Palestine-Gaza; PR-The Palestinan Rapperz, Black Unit and Watar band. We're united when music is played. We express emotions and try to depict the reality of the situation through different kinds of music ( Rap, R&B, Soft rock and Classic ).

Our motive is to protest the occupation with it different forms. We find hope in the music we reach out with. Our massage is the ladder to reach dreams of a peaceful life in Palestine.

The song is a poem by Ms. Rafeef Ziadeh, an outspoken Palestinian Lady who felt the agonies of her people in Gaza and put it down in the most profound of words and expressions. We would like to deeply thank her for the effort she has put into it and for letting us compose a song of her words.

Palestinian Unit "We Teach Life, Sir" trailer, mis en ligne 9 mai 2012. Voir 2014.

Today, my body was a TV'd massacre.
Today, my body was a TV'd massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits.
Today, my body was a TV'd massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits filled enough with statistics to counter measured response.
And I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions.
But still, he asked me, Ms.  Ziadah, don't you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children?

I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza.
Patience has just escaped me.

We teach life, sir.
Rafeef, remember to smile.

We teach life, sir.
We Palestinians teach life after they have occupied the last sky.
We teach life after they have built their settlements and apartheid walls, after the last skies.
We teach life, sir.
But today, my body was a TV'd massacre made to fit into sound-bites and word limits.
And just give us a story, a human story.
You see, this is not political.
We just want to tell people about you and your people so give us a human story.
Don't mention that word "apartheid" and "occupation".
This is not political.
You have to help me as a journalist to help you tell your story which is not a political story.
Today, my body was a TV'd massacre.
How about you give us a story of a woman in Gaza who needs medication?
How about you?
Do you have enough bone-broken limbs to cover the sun?
Hand me over your dead and give me the list of their names in one thousand two hundred word limits.
Today, my body was a TV'd massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits and move those that are desensitized to terrorist blood.
But they felt sorry.
They felt sorry for the cattle over Gaza.
So, I give them UN resolutions and statistics and we condemn and we deplore and we reject.
And these are not two equal sides: occupier and occupied.
And a hundred dead, two hundred dead, and a thousand dead.
And between that, war crime and massacre, I vent out words and smile "not exotic", "not terrorist".
And I recount, I recount a hundred dead, a thousand dead.
Is anyone out there?
Will anyone listen?
I wish I could wail over their bodies.
I wish I could just run barefoot in every refugee camp and hold every child, cover their ears so they wouldn't have to hear the sound of bombing for the rest of their life the way I do.
Today, my body was a TV'd massacre And let me just tell you, there's nothing your UN resolutions have ever done about this.
And no sound-bite, no sound-bite I come up with, no matter how good my English gets, no sound-bite, no sound-bite, no sound-bite, no sound-bite will bring them back to life.
No sound-bite will fix this.
We teach life, sir.
We teach life, sir.
We Palestinians wake up every morning to teach the rest of the world life, sir.

Source : إزدِحَامَاتْ حَـرف (, 1er août 2012. Voir l'auteur sternchenproductions (

PALESTINIAN UNIT "Hand to hand", mis en ligne 25 novembre 2011 (studio). Voir les photos des paroles. Pour un enregistrement live, Palestinian Unit Feat PIHPOH @ FIMU 2012, Palestinian Unit (From Gaza) Featuring PIHPOH "Hand To Hand" au FIMU Scène du Conservatoire Belfort - Samedi 26 Mai 2012, mis en ligne 30 mai 2012.

Calling for a dream, sans date.

Tunis, 2 août 2011. This year the third Arab regional meeting of Creative Commons (30th June-2nd July, Tunis) proved extraordinary, in keeping with prior gatherings in the region. Co-organized with Tunisian blogging platform Nawaat and sponsored by the Al Jazeera network, the event garnered CC volunteers from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, UAE, Qatar, Iraq, Tunisia and, for the first time, welcomed three people from the Gaza strip—bloggers Bashar Lubbad and Nalan Sarraj and rapper Ayman Mghamis—who joined to contribute to two days of workshops focused on creativity, remixing and peer-production.

"Sharing The Spring - PR Ayman Mghames", mis en ligne 2 août 2011 (live).

A new song for palestinian unit called (( when i was a child )) ... . . .. Black Unit Band ft. PR The Palestinian Rapperz & Watar Band .. 4MDJVhrX/ ___--_when_i_was_a_child.html, 27 juillet 2011, mohammmed el farah, khaled harara, ayman maghames, , alaa shoblaq, لما كنت صغير -- when i was a child.mp3.

The Palestinian Unit - الشعب يريد إنهاء الإنقسام, mis en ligne 17 mars 2011 (studio). Retiré par youtube, voir Ayman Mghamis (, mis en ligne le 15 mars 2011.

الشعب يريد انهاء الانقسام
حماس و فتح خوان و الاخوةة مهما صار بضلو اخوة
حان الوقت لنجلس مع بعضنا البعض و نصافح بعضنا البعض وننسا كل شيء لاننا اخوة
والاخ يجب ان يسامح اخيه مهما كان السبب الذي تخاصم من اجله
انشاء الله بتتوحدو بترجعو احسن من الاول انشاء الله


Ayman Jamal Mghames (PR)
Khaled Harara (Black Unit)
from Palestinian Unit

graffiti by Ayman Jamal Mghames (PR) and Khaled Harara (Black Unit) from PU, mis en ligne 10 mars 2010 (studio).

في ذكرى استشهاد العقيد جمال طه مغامس
ولد الشهيد في مخيم نهر البارد في لبنان عام 1961 ، شارك في عدة دورات عسكرية وأمنية في الدول العربية, عاد الى أرض الوطن عام 1996 ...
بعد ان غادر مع الراحل أبو عمار الى تونس ثم الى غزة .
كان مرافقا للرئيس الراحل ابو عمار وبقي في غزة منذ ذلك الوقت الى يوم استشهاده.

My City by Ayman Jamal Mghames from Palestinian Unit (PR) & Shadia Mansour, mis en ligne 16 janvier 2010 (studio).

Concert 7 décembre 2009

يوم الاثنين7/12 على مسرح رشاد الشوا بالتعاون مع منظمة الأمم المتحدة و شبكة المنظمات الأهلية و منتدى شارك الشبابي و الإتحاد العام للمراكز الثقافية في يوم التضامن العالمي للأمم المتحدة مع الفلسطينيين و بحضور العديد من الشخصيات.ستقام بمناسبة هذا اليوم احتفالية "غزة تغني للحرية و السلام" و سيشارك ممثلو الفن الفلسطيني بكل انواعه وستكون PALESTINIAN UNITالممثل الرسمي عن فن الهيب هوب في قطاع غزة الدعوات خاصة

Palestinian Unit: Gaza rappers discuss their art

Source : gazanews2009 (, mis en ligne le 9 septembre 2009.